Carolina Panthers' Gender Reveal
When I saw a post on Chanel Smith's Instagram, looking for a photographer, I thought, "I'll send a message with my information and go for it. After all, this is the summer of going out of our comfort zones and pushing the envelope, right ;-) ?!?!" A couple of weeks went by and I received a message from Chanel asking if I was available to photograph the gender reveal of their third baby. Umm, yes please.
We met yesterday at Elite SFN in Columbia for a boxing themed gender reveal, and had the best time. The facility is amazing, has a full boxing ring, punching bags, and a wonderful staff. It was the perfect spot for the gender reveal of a very special little lady.
Torrey and Chanel, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to photograph this time in your lives, and for trusting me with your photos. I loved being with all of you and thoroughly enjoyed my time with you. The boys are adorable and have such great personalities. I cannot wait until your Baby Girl is born. She is a lucky girl <3.

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