Lancaster Engagement Session
'Chad & Josslyn were one of the easiest couples to photograph. Pose? Snuggle? Kiss? Laugh? No problem. The majority of the time, they were already doing all of the above before I asked. Their love for and appreciation of one another was palpable, and the way they were drawn to one another was absolutely beautiful.
One of my favorite poses is right before a couple kisses. There is so much affection and anticipation when they stop two seconds before their lips touch. The emotions, excitement, and giddiness all kick it, and it is beautiful. The guys hold their ladies with such tenderness, while the ladies look like it's their first kiss...ever. Chad and Josslyn proved this to be true, and my heart was exploding!! Chad and Josslyn, thank you for giving me the opportunity to photograph your love. I loved my time with you and wish you a lifetime of love and laughter.
